Catholic Religious Education in Finland

In Finland, Catholic Religious Education (RE) is provided by schools and Sacramental Education by parish clergy. Children should be registered in a parish. If you do not know which parish you should turn to, we are happy to help you.


According to the law, Catholic Religious Education has to be organised in schools when the parents of at least three public school students demand it in the municipality. You can enquire about the situation in your home municipality at the school. If you want to set up a new group or start as a teacher, or if you need support in discussions with the school, we are happy to help you.


Parishes offer catechesis. In some places, catechesis is offered in several languages. Sacramental preparation for First Communion or Confirmation presupposes that children and youth also receive catholic RE at school.

If you have questions concerning religious education, please contact the Education Department:, tel. 050 544 0871